CFRB Member Agreement

CFRB Member Agreement

The purpose of this document is to replace the old rules files that existed before and provide a more clear explanation of the CFRB member's responsibilities. This will fall in line with the CFRB Vision Statement, also available to you. Another reason for this file is to gain your acceptance of these responsibilities. If you are already a member, then this file is just to remind you of the functions that are expected of you. For those considering membership, if you complete the membership process it will be a foregone conclusion that you have accepted this agreement. You are then bound to that agreement, as are present members.

The Tour:

The biggest single item is the member's responsibilities during the blog tour. It should be made known right from the start that every member is to be actively involved in every tour. This can be done on several levels.
1. Reviews. Members can obtain copies from the author by contacting the Melissa Meeks. It must be clearly understood that any member who asks and receives such a review copy post a review of that book during the week that CFRB tours it. To do less is theft. This should also be kept in mind with regards to the tone of the review. Reviewers are not critiquers who are to pick apart the author's work, but a supportive branch to point people to promote the author's work. There has been much discussion about this, and since I am co-founder of this blog, I really must insist that reviewers find things that are positive to say about the work. Negative statements may be made if done so in passing, but it is not, nor shall be, the practice of CFRB to focus on the negative aspects of an author's works. With the creation of the Preview Team and their work, it is expected that only books of quality. Mentioning negative comments in a review then becomes not merely a jab at an author's work, but at the Preview Team. Let us lift up the name of Jesus by lifting up our brothers and sisters. Each CFRB member must do no less than 4 (four) reviews per calendar year) This is hardly a pressing requirement, since only one review post during a tour meets this requirement. No member must review every book, however.
2. Interviews. Members may post interviews during the tour week. This is done by emailing a preset selection of questions to the author. After receiving a reply from the author you may edit and post these reviews. There are several aids to this. Karina Fabian has uploaded a suggested list of questions to the file section. You do not have to limit yourself to this, but it is advisable to take a look at these, as it will most likely stimulate your own thinking, so you can come up with your own questions. Interviews are very effective, and can be done even if you haven't reviewed the book. One book had at least 3 different interviews and all of them were different. That was one of the great assets of the interview.
3. Minimal Posts. This is for those who are busy writing and don't have the time to do an interview or read and write a review of an author's work. Every CFRB member is required to have at least this post up on their site. That is because it can be put together rather quickly and takes up hardly any time. Other members have helped put together information to help with these posts, much of which can be cut and pasted to your site. I would like to see the summary in the member's own words, not cut and paste. However, if you do not have time to do even that, cut and paste. Five minutes later you will have a professional looking post, even if it is identical to several others.

Post Content

Obviously a review is going to have a review and an interview is going to have an interview. However, all posts are going to have additional content that should be the same on every CFRB member's blog. These items are as follows:
CFRB Banner (this will be a linked banner back to the CFRB blog)
Cover art of the book being toured.
Author photo.
Links to:
a. Author's site
b. Sales sites
c. Contributing CFRB member sites

The Preview Team

There are those who have comprised to make up a Preview Team who go over the works that are submitted to ensure that they are:
a. Written from a Christian world view.
b. Written professionally.
It's "b" that seems to get most of us in trouble. So if you, as an author, aren't sure of the quality of your work, go back over it and see if it needs some tightening, some revision, if the grammar and spelling is correct. You probably still won't catch everything, but our team will be on the lookout for authors who have shown that they have done a great deal to remove these mechanical problems from that work. If your work is rejected it may just mean you should go back and do another rewrite.

I mention the Preview Team here, because as we grow the need for more volunteers may grow. If that is the case this is an area you may wish to volunteer your services.


From creating graphics, updating HTML codes, contacting other members, working in tandem with the Preview Team and authors are just some of the other areas that you can also volunteer your services. I'm not much of an administrator, but I have people who have volunteered to help me in that area. So you see, there is room for everyone. We are to operate as the Body of Christ, each having our own talents and gifts which we can offer to the rest of the group to the benefit of all. One of the highest goals or gifts someone may exercise is that of encouraging others.

CFRB Yahoo Chatter

I mention this because we need to know what's on your mind. One of the best ways to cut the legs out from under this ministry is to shut down the communication. So we need you to join in. If you want to lurk for a while that's fine. Jump in as the Lord moves. There is one post that every new member must make. That is to introduce themselves to the rest of the group. This does several things; it alerts us of a new member, gets your feet wet in posting on the Yahoo group page, and gives us the ability to properly welcome you.


It doesn't end on the site, the Yahoo page or with the tour. We become part of each other, and as such your prayer needs are important to us. We can't pray for you if we don't know what your needs are or if you even have a need. Likewise, if you have a praise report please do us all the courtesy to share that with the other members that we can all rejoice with you.

Monday, July 28, 2008

CFRB Member Agreement

The purpose of this document is to replace the old rules files that existed before and provide a more clear explanation of the CFRB member's responsibilities. This will fall in line with the CFRB Vision Statement, also available to you. Another reason for this file is to gain your acceptance of these responsibilities. If you are already a member, then this file is just to remind you of the functions that are expected of you. For those considering membership, if you complete the membership process it will be a foregone conclusion that you have accepted this agreement. You are then bound to that agreement, as are present members.

The Tour:

The biggest single item is the member's responsibilities during the blog tour. It should be made known right from the start that every member is to be actively involved in every tour. This can be done on several levels.
1. Reviews. Members can obtain copies from the author by contacting the Melissa Meeks. It must be clearly understood that any member who asks and receives such a review copy post a review of that book during the week that CFRB tours it. To do less is theft. This should also be kept in mind with regards to the tone of the review. Reviewers are not critiquers who are to pick apart the author's work, but a supportive branch to point people to promote the author's work. There has been much discussion about this, and since I am co-founder of this blog, I really must insist that reviewers find things that are positive to say about the work. Negative statements may be made if done so in passing, but it is not, nor shall be, the practice of CFRB to focus on the negative aspects of an author's works. With the creation of the Preview Team and their work, it is expected that only books of quality. Mentioning negative comments in a review then becomes not merely a jab at an author's work, but at the Preview Team. Let us lift up the name of Jesus by lifting up our brothers and sisters. Each CFRB member must do no less than 4 (four) reviews per calendar year) This is hardly a pressing requirement, since only one review post during a tour meets this requirement. No member must review every book, however.
2. Interviews. Members may post interviews during the tour week. This is done by emailing a preset selection of questions to the author. After receiving a reply from the author you may edit and post these reviews. There are several aids to this. Karina Fabian has uploaded a suggested list of questions to the file section. You do not have to limit yourself to this, but it is advisable to take a look at these, as it will most likely stimulate your own thinking, so you can come up with your own questions. Interviews are very effective, and can be done even if you haven't reviewed the book. One book had at least 3 different interviews and all of them were different. That was one of the great assets of the interview.
3. Minimal Posts. This is for those who are busy writing and don't have the time to do an interview or read and write a review of an author's work. Every CFRB member is required to have at least this post up on their site. That is because it can be put together rather quickly and takes up hardly any time. Other members have helped put together information to help with these posts, much of which can be cut and pasted to your site. I would like to see the summary in the member's own words, not cut and paste. However, if you do not have time to do even that, cut and paste. Five minutes later you will have a professional looking post, even if it is identical to several others.

Post Content

Obviously a review is going to have a review and an interview is going to have an interview. However, all posts are going to have additional content that should be the same on every CFRB member's blog. These items are as follows:
CFRB Banner (this will be a linked banner back to the CFRB blog)
Cover art of the book being toured.
Author photo.
Links to:
a. Author's site
b. Sales sites
c. Contributing CFRB member sites

The Preview Team

There are those who have comprised to make up a Preview Team who go over the works that are submitted to ensure that they are:
a. Written from a Christian world view.
b. Written professionally.
It's "b" that seems to get most of us in trouble. So if you, as an author, aren't sure of the quality of your work, go back over it and see if it needs some tightening, some revision, if the grammar and spelling is correct. You probably still won't catch everything, but our team will be on the lookout for authors who have shown that they have done a great deal to remove these mechanical problems from that work. If your work is rejected it may just mean you should go back and do another rewrite.

I mention the Preview Team here, because as we grow the need for more volunteers may grow. If that is the case this is an area you may wish to volunteer your services.


From creating graphics, updating HTML codes, contacting other members, working in tandem with the Preview Team and authors are just some of the other areas that you can also volunteer your services. I'm not much of an administrator, but I have people who have volunteered to help me in that area. So you see, there is room for everyone. We are to operate as the Body of Christ, each having our own talents and gifts which we can offer to the rest of the group to the benefit of all. One of the highest goals or gifts someone may exercise is that of encouraging others.

CFRB Yahoo Chatter

I mention this because we need to know what's on your mind. One of the best ways to cut the legs out from under this ministry is to shut down the communication. So we need you to join in. If you want to lurk for a while that's fine. Jump in as the Lord moves. There is one post that every new member must make. That is to introduce themselves to the rest of the group. This does several things; it alerts us of a new member, gets your feet wet in posting on the Yahoo group page, and gives us the ability to properly welcome you.


It doesn't end on the site, the Yahoo page or with the tour. We become part of each other, and as such your prayer needs are important to us. We can't pray for you if we don't know what your needs are or if you even have a need. Likewise, if you have a praise report please do us all the courtesy to share that with the other members that we can all rejoice with you.

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